Money makes us do things we wish we didn’t, but why is that? Behavioral economists and neuroscientists decode psychological dynamics resulting from 25 million years of human evolution — all so you can make smarter financial decisions.
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In the series, guests read aloud questions that pop out from a gumball machine [literally!]. The questions, like “who would you be if you stripped away all of your identities?”, […]
“Not only does Mother Nature not care about your happiness, she knows that we need lots of negative emotions to keep us alive.” Harvard happiness professor on why suffering IS necessary:
Humans are among the most altruistic species that we’ve studied, due to our alloparental instincts – a trait we evolved into that allows us to care for offspring who are […]
“We wouldn’t be able to talk about minerals if it weren’t for the minerals themselves.” Mineralogist Bob Hazen explains how Earth’s rocks can teach us about our planet’s technicolor history.
“How is it possible to do work that you’re proud of and not feel like your job is encroaching on all parts of your life?” Cal Newport, Author of ‘Slow Productivity,’ explains.